Encyclopedia Actions Appointments Appointment


Some organisations allow the appointment of special function or titles. For example, the ruler of a kingdom can appoint a chancellor, marshals, etc. The list of titles available depends on the [URL=/help/org]type of organisation[/URL]. Any appointment requires approval of the recipient. He must be present in the stately home of his overlord and be online. A charge can be [URL=/help/act?type=revoke]dismissed[/URL] at any time if he proves unworthy of his function.


Unlocked 6 weeks after the beginning of each new continent. It will be unlocked on 1738400699. Until then, this type of action cannot take place in this region.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. You are currently on a bare ground.


Required skills and resources: