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Encyclopedia Chronology Week 10


Political structures

Appearance of the first temporal and spiritual states and provinces.

Terra Borealis
Insulae Australis

New actions available this week:


Excommunication is a privilege reserved for the Popes. During the action, the members of the excommunicated family can no longer access new religious titles, found, claim or promote a religious or sacred [URL=/help/act?type=excom][…][/URL]

New seat

Some non-territorial organisations, such as guilds and brotherhoods, can move their headquarters to another area than the one in which they were founded. This of course requires the agreement of the owner [URL=/help/act?type=seat][…][/URL]


This action makes it possible to temporarily claim an organisation as a regent. Unlike a true claim, the regency does not require a religious ceremony or an election. Only the heirs are called to accept. [URL=/help/act?type=regent][…][/URL]

New organisations available this week:


An archdeaconate is a religious territorial circumscription, subdivision of a diocese, placed under the authority of an episcopal vicar (who can bear the title of archdeacon during his service), appointed [URL=/help/org?type=adiacon][…][/URL]

. Sphere: spiritual. Prerequisite: Deanery / Parish. Possible outlets: Bishopric / Great temple / Patriarchate / Holy See.


A sheikhdom or sheikdom is a geographical area or a society ruled by a tribal leader known as a sheikh. Sheikhdoms only exist under the direct or indirect authority of an Emirate, Sultanate or Califate. [URL=/help/org?type=sheikdom][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Prerequisite: Lordship / Town / Village / Hamlet.


In the peerage, baronies form the lowest rank, placed immediately below viscounties. A female of baronial rank has the title baroness. The rank of baron was introduced to distinguish those men who had [URL=/help/org?type=barony][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Prerequisite: Lordship / Town. Possible outlets: Vidamy / Viscounty / Burgraviate.


A district is a type of administrative and territorial division that is managed by a local government, and generally includes several cities or towns. [URL=/help/org?type=district][…][/URL]

Sphere: temporal. 240 arpents. Possible outlets: County / Principality / Emirate / Federation / Viceroyalty / Sultanate / Caliphate.


The bishopric is the smallest community that can be called Church. Other terms have a close meaning without being fully synonymous: the episcopal see, the local Church. [URL=/help/org?type=bishop][…][/URL]

. Sphere: spiritual. 240 arpents. Prerequisite: Archdeaconate / Deanery / Great temple. Possible outlets: Archbishopric / Great temple / Monastic order / Patriarchate / Holy See.


Count (male) or countess (female) is a title for a noble of varying status, but historically deemed to convey an approximate rank intermediate between the highest and lowest titles of nobility. [URL=/help/org?type=county][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal. 240 arpents. Prerequisite: District. Possible outlets: Marquisate / Margraviate / County palatine / Principality / Landgraviate / Duchy / Emirate / Viceroyalty.


A principality (or princedom) can either be a monarchical feudatory or a sovereign state, ruled or reigned over by a monarch with the title of prince or by a monarch with another title within the generic [URL=/help/org?type=princip][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal. 400 arpents. Prerequisite: County / District. Possible outlets: Landgraviate / Grand Principality / Archduchy / Sultanate / Kingdom / Tsardom / Caliphate / Empire.


A duchy is a country, territory, fief, or domain ruled by a duke or duchess. Dukes are the rulers of the provinces, the superiors of the counts and the highest-ranking peers of the king. [URL=/help/org?type=duchy][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal. 480 arpents. Prerequisite: Landgraviate / County palatine / Margraviate / Marquisate / County. Possible outlets: Viceroyalty / Grand Duchy / Archduchy / Kingdom.


An emirate is a political territory that is ruled by an emir, who is typically a hereditary leader with ultimate authority over the government and people of the emirate. The term "emir" is derived from [URL=/help/org?type=emirate][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal and spiritual. 480 arpents. Prerequisite: County / District. Possible outlets: Sultanate / Caliphate.

Monastic order

A monastic order is a regular religious order whose clerics, retired from the mundane life, have taken religious vows and living a common ideal of perfection as defined by the guidelines of a specific [URL=/help/org?type=morder][…][/URL]

. Sphere: spiritual. Prerequisite: Primacy / Archbishopric / Bishopric. Possible outlets: Monastic state.

Monastic state

A monastic state is a monastic order which reigns over a territory, as a temporal sovereign. [URL=/help/org?type=mstate][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal and spiritual. 960 arpents. Prerequisite: Monastic order.


A sultanate is a form of monarchy that is ruled by a sultan, who is the highest authority in the state. The term "sultan" is derived from the Arabic word "sultān", which means "power" or "authority". [URL=/help/org?type=sultan][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal and spiritual. 960 arpents. Prerequisite: Emirate / Principality / District. Possible outlets: Caliphate.


A kingdom or realm is a community or territory over which a sovereign rules. It is also a form of government in which a group, usually a family called the dynasty, embodies the country's national identity [URL=/help/org?type=kingdom][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal. 960 arpents. Prerequisite: Viceroyalty / Duchy / Principality. Possible outlets: Empire.

New resources available this week:

King cakes

La tradition de tirer les rois passe par la dissimulation d'une fève dans la galette ; la personne qui obtient cette fève devient le roi (ou la reine) de la journée. Non, c'est une blague ! Pour être [URL=/help/res?type=kingcake][…][/URL]

55. Consumption: 1 /unit, ( -1),


The sabre or saber is a type of backsword with a curved blade associated with the light cavalry. Generally curved and single-edged (which distinguishes it from the sword, which is straight-edged, with [URL=/help/res?type=sabre][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Melee combat 15.

New buildings available this week:


The nave is the central aisle of a cathedral, or the main body of a church (whether aisled or not) between its western wall and its chancel. It is the zone of a church accessible by the laity. The nave [URL=/help/bld?type=cath][…][/URL]

 40.  500. 10. 0/0/5/5 (75). Skill bonuses: Prayer 10, Ceremony 10, Music 10.

Cathedral apse
Cathedral nave
Cathedral transept

New units available this week:


The Mamluks are members of a militia made up of freed slaves, in the service of various sovereigns. They are recruited from among children selected on criteria of capacity, lack of ties, and resistance. [URL=/help/unit?type=mamluk][…][/URL]

St / Wi. Skills: Hast weapons 3/lvl, Melee combat 3/lvl, Prayer 2/lvl.

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