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Encyclopedia Chronology Week 9



Emergence of the feudal system, chivalry, and the art of warfare.

Terra Borealis
Insulae Australis

New resources available this week:

Ballista bolts

Le carreau de baliste est le projectile utilisé avec une baliste. C'est un projectile de grande taille, d'environ un mètre cinquante à deux mètres, et beaucoup plus lourd que ceux utilisés avec les [URL=/help/res?type=bbolt][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Ranged combat 5.


The ballista, sometimes called bolt thrower, is a missile weapon that launches a large projectile at a distant target. It relies upon different mechanics, using two levers with torsion springs, consisting [URL=/help/res?type=balista][…][/URL]

-7. 5/5/5/5. Skill bonuses: Ranged combat 50, Intrusion -60.


A longbow is a type of bow that is tall—roughly equal to the height of the user; allowing the archer a fairly long draw, at least to the jaw. A longbow is not significantly recurved. Its limbs are relatively [URL=/help/res?type=lbow][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Ranged combat 20, Hunting 15.

New buildings available this week:

Red keep

This monumental keep owes its name to the colour of its blood-red walls. It dominates the horizon, serves as an impregnable fortress and symbolises the absolute power of a lord over an entire region. [URL=/help/bld?type=redkeep][…][/URL]

 50 inhabitants.  100 m³.  360.  1000. 0/0/5/5 (150).

New units available this week:


The ballista, sometimes called bolt thrower, is a missile weapon that launches a large projectile at a distant target. It relies upon different mechanics, using two levers with torsion springs, consisting [URL=/help/unit?type=balista][…][/URL]

In / St / Ag. Skills: Ranged combat 4/lvl, Melee combat 1/lvl.


The longbow is an evolution of the bow. It is a very powerful bow, about six feet long, very used both for hunting and warfare. The shooting rate is much higher than that of crossbows. The opponent is [URL=/help/unit?type=lbowman][…][/URL]

Ag / St. Skills: Ranged combat 5/lvl, Melee combat 2/lvl.

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