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Encyclopedia Chronology Week 12


Middle Age

Continent still partially preserved from external influences.

Terra Borealis
Insulae Australis

New organisations available this week:


A caliphate or khaliphate is the territory and the people who live there, recognising the authority of a caliph in the political exercise of power. The caliph is designated as the spiritual successor of [URL=/help/org?type=caliph][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal and spiritual. 1920 arpents. Prerequisite: Sultanate / Federation / Emirate / Principality / District.


An empire is defined as an aggregate of nations or people ruled over by an emperor or other powerful sovereign or government, usually a territory of greater extent than a kingdom. An empire can be made [URL=/help/org?type=empire][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal. 2400 arpents. Prerequisite: Tsardom / Kingdom / Archduchy / Grand Principality / Grand Duchy / Federation / Principality.

Holy See

The papal function is above all spiritual, or mystical, long before it is political. Theology affirms that the role of the Pope to preside over the unity of the Church was enunciated by the gods. The Pope [URL=/help/org?type=holysee][…][/URL]

. Sphere: temporal and spiritual. 960 arpents. Prerequisite: Deanery / Archdeaconate / Bishopric / Great temple / Archbishopric / Primacy / Patriarchate.

New resources available this week:

Great helms

The great helm or heaume, also called pot helm, bucket helm and barrel helm, is a helmet usually worn by knights. In its simplest form, it is a flat-topped cylinder of steel that completely covers the [URL=/help/res?type=ghelm][…][/URL]

-1. 10/10/5/5. Skill bonuses: Hast weapons -5, Melee combat -5, Intrusion -10, Looting -15, Ranged combat -20.


Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with improved strength and fracture resistance compared to other forms of iron. [URL=/help/res?type=steel][…][/URL]

Used as raw material: Metallurgy 40, Smithing 25, Boiler making 20.

New units available this week:


Creature of immense power and grace, the dragon commands attention wherever it roams. Wings stretch wide, catching the wind effortlessly as it soars through the sky with unparalleled agility. Its keen [URL=/help/unit?type=dragon][…][/URL]

Skills: Explosion 15/lvl, Melee combat 10/lvl, Destruction 10/lvl.

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