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Encyclopedia Chronology Week 7


Trade development

Development of urban areas and trade.

Terra Borealis
Insulae Australis

New resources available this week:

Bastard swords

The bastard sword is a one-and-half-handed sword. It is the knight's preferred weapon, as it can be used as well mounted or on foot, with or without shield. [URL=/help/res?type=bsword][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Melee combat 15.

Chainmail hauberks

A hauberk is a shirt of mail. The term is usually used to describe a shirt reaching at least to mid-thigh and including sleeves. Haubergeon (little hauberk) generally refers to a smaller version of the [URL=/help/res?type=hauberk][…][/URL]

-2. 10/5/0/5. Skill bonuses: Intrusion -10, Looting -10.

Crossbow bolts

A quarrel or bolt is the arrow used in a crossbow. The name quarrel is derived from the French carré, meaning square, referring to the fact that they typically have square heads. Although their lengths [URL=/help/res?type=bolt][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Ranged combat 5.


A crossbow is a type of weapon based on the bow and consisting of a horizontal bow-like assembly mounted on a stock. It shoots projectiles called bolts or quarrels. [URL=/help/res?type=crossbow][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Ranged combat 30.


A shield is a type of personal armour, meant to intercept attacks, either by stopping projectiles such as arrows or redirecting a hit from a sword, mace, battle axe or similar weapon to the side of the [URL=/help/res?type=shield][…][/URL]

-2. 10/10/10/5. Skill bonuses: Melee combat -5, Intrusion -5, Looting -10, Hast weapons -15, Ranged combat -20.


A spur is a metal tool designed to be worn in pairs on the heels of riding boots for the purpose of directing a horse to move forward or laterally while riding. It is usually used to refine the riding [URL=/help/res?type=spur][…][/URL]

Skill bonuses: Melee combat 5, Hast weapons 5.


A stirrup is a light frame or ring that holds the foot of a rider, attached to the saddle by a strap, often called a stirrup leather. Stirrups are usually paired and are used to aid in mounting and as [URL=/help/res?type=stirrup][…][/URL]

1. Skill bonuses: Ranged combat 5, Melee combat 5, Hast weapons 5.

New buildings available this week:


A lighthouse is a system of signalisation used in the maritime field. It is made up of a powerful lighting system at the top of a tower. The maritime lighthouses are placed near the coast. They allow ships [URL=/help/bld?type=lthouse][…][/URL]

 1 inhabitants.  25 m³.  80.  295. 0/0/5/5 (100).

Trading ships

Un navire est un bateau destiné à la navigation maritime. Pour chacun des navires que constitue votre flotte, vous pouvez désigner une route commerciale, permettant à votre port de faire du commerce [URL=/help/bld?type=tradship][…][/URL]

 15.  22. 5/5/10/5 (60).

New units available this week:


A crossbowman is an individual carrying a crossbow as a ranged weapon. Crossbows are notoriously easy to use, accurate and easy to reload for an untrained person. Their best use is during sieges where [URL=/help/unit?type=cbowman][…][/URL]

Ag / Co. Skills: Ranged combat 4/lvl, Melee combat 2/lvl, Looting 1/lvl.

Mounted archers

Mounted archery designates a combat technique involving a rider armed with a bow. To use his bow, the rider must let go of the reins and such soldiers therefore need exceptional equestrian skill. The movements [URL=/help/unit?type=marcher][…][/URL]

Ag. Skills: Ranged combat 4/lvl, Melee combat 2/lvl.


A swordman is originally a man who fights with a sword for his glory, a fencer who searches for duels. Technically, as a military unit, a swordsman is a knight without a horse. [URL=/help/unit?type=swrdsman][…][/URL]

St / Ag / Co. Skills: Melee combat 5/lvl, Looting 1/lvl.

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