Fructuoso Plaga

Commander of the Order of Cartographers, Priest of Arenizca and Té, Village chief of Arenizca and Té, Officer of the Order of Merit and Mines, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants, Member of the Tea Plantations and Sandstone Quarries Society

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Armorial Parish of Té

Parish of Té

Parish of Té

Founded on 1737834928

Population: 931 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Fructuoso Plaga: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Té.

Quality label: Tea, since: 1737245222.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Té


Sphere: spiritual
Vassal of the parish of Principal
Housing capacity for 2150 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

Parish of Principal - Falkör Plaga
NzkwNXOJf6F3kW6UeaVdpnyHb4ZqmYFzco+FoneLXaaFk2+jaZJve2yXgGh5m3K0dH1wn2ejapRr koyrnod/c7K5v9i1wF2hctGelGuSXXh7t5+PZ4uRlHSemeGvh2q1qNSfaGuohXNzjoCUd5yMlIWV XbByh22FXpSTmJSkcqSGfWqfqsOrlGuSmqic0bqoZ4p90GeKaOWj1avQpYdqc6jIcnVyzLXUZ4po 36PUoeKhh2pzqMhydXJ9grGXqoSUdaZdoX/DqrBelJOytL9yoYiPcaZ4mV2kfbKqrKfFtrOjxHKk hH1qtZe0hJRupmZoa5Z+dHOJfZ9yfW+yZ5l7lHClaXpsmYV2dpF/p2ePe6B5lW+nbJZxdXGHhIZn nX+UeohdsHSHap9el3qYi65ydoZ9f7WjyqWUdKik3qvGXXV/l315cotypIaequSl1q3erNFddWmy uaSpuXKkhH1qtZe0hJRupl11acqutmeKfd+0x5vbo8ul1J2HanOhy7q2p8SzlHSIiOGrx6vjXpRo sp+Hf3NnjY/ElKRdooaHarWa1KVoa6i8tal9f7V6iGmldYdts42He3Zeo4Zod5pyoYitirtnl3yd XpRs
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