Igor Yverson, aka Igor “Malasangre”

Prior of Guaranpis, Priest of Dhräghma, Huete, Konstanz, Triana and Hierro, Officer of the Order of Merit, Knight of the Order of Believers, Cartographers, Denar, Agriculture Merit and Merchants

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Armorial Parish of Hierro

Parish of Hierro

Parish of Hierro

Founded on 1738352387

Population: 926 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Igor “Malasangre”: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Hierro.

Quality label: Iron, since: 1738301522.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Hierro


Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1445 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

NDUwMmVhqHpqYmtsa3VZfoxXa696aaqkZ2WpemxnWX53Y2t6gWVpnnxqrpFrc5yMZlVsd1lzZmx7 Ylmhi4fJuFlju2xmdpW5oVdmjbWhptBuZL2hZGeqd1lleJCboaZse2JZsXtXr5xZabqUlZyVupWg m7muV3mebmqnkW10nHlkVWmJWWR6nJt+WaGNV6mcnJHqbGZgpLmjlaCosp+Z0G5kp9SdneqsoJZZ eWSCprCupaiRe2Lm0llip2xpcomZgFdni25kes27n5yeep/prllien9kZWd3bmd4tLKX6d6jVayJ WWJ6nIZ+WXyNYFmefQ==
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