Encyclopedia Organisations Regular clergy Monastic order

Monastic order

A monastic order is a regular religious order whose clerics, retired from the mundane life, have taken religious vows and living a common ideal of perfection as defined by the guidelines of a specific religious rule. The diversity of the rules, their flexibility of interpretation and the religious or apostolic goals pursued, allow a great diversity: contemplative, Hospitalier or military orders.


Unlocked 10 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Chapter house / Places of worship.


 15000. Sphere: spiritual. This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Chapter house / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

This upgrade is possible from the following types of organisations: Primacy / Archbishopric / Bishopric. Minimum number of vassals: 5. Can be a direct vassal of: Holy See. Requires approval of the following characters:

  • At least one of the superiors of the organisation (optional).
  • At least one character having one of the following titles: Pope (excommunicated characters are ignored).

New seat

This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence.

Requires approval of the following characters:

  • The owner of the territorial organisation.


Direct vassals: City, Abbey, Priory, Vidamy, Commandery, Religious foundation, Brotherhood. Minimum: 5. Maximum: 10.


 +10% inhabitants.  +5% m³. Buildings: Abbey church, Cemetery, Chandlery, Chapel, Chapter house, Cloister, Dormitories, Scriptorium, Temple.


Units: Monks.

Grand master of the Order

Head of the monastic Order.

Grand master of the Order
Honorary predicate: His Eminence.
Oral address: Your Eminence / Eminence / Lord Grand Master / Dear Father.

Grand mistress of the Order
Honorary predicate: Her Eminence.
Oral address: Your Eminence / Eminence / Lady Grand Mistress / Dear Mother.

×7. . Vassals: . Appointments: Chancellor of the Order. Skills: Ceremony 5/lvl, Prayer 4/lvl, Writing 4/lvl, Management 3/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Chapter house / Places of worship / Public buildings. Required skills and resources:

Requires approval of the following characters:

  • All the direct vassals of the organisation.

Chancellor of the Order

Appointed by the Grand master to rule a monastic Order.

Chancellor of the Order
Honorary predicate: His Excellency.
Oral address: Your Excellency / Excellency / Lord Chancellor / Dear Father.

Chancellor of the Order
Honorary predicate: Her Excellency.
Oral address: Your Excellency / Excellency / Lady Chancellor / Dear Mother.

×6. . Vassals: . Skills: Management 5/lvl, Ceremony 4/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 1.