Encyclopedia Organisations Territories


A hamlet is a small human settlement. In different jurisdictions and geographies, a hamlet may be the size of a village or may be considered to be a smaller settlement or subdivision or satellite entity [URL=/help/org/land:hamlet][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Possible outlets: Village / Lordship / Sheikhdom.

Religious foundation

A religious foundation or convent is a community of priests, religious brothers, religious sisters, monks or nuns. The foundation has no monastic vocation, it is therefore more open to the world than the [URL=/help/org/land:rfound][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Possible outlets: Commandery / Priory.


A village is a clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town (although the word is often used to describe both hamlets and smaller towns), with a population typically [URL=/help/org/land:village][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Prerequisite: Hamlet. Possible outlets: Town / Lordship / Sheikhdom.


A commandery is a land establishment belonging to a religious and military order. Placed under the responsibility of commanders, they are the place of life and formation of communities of brothers, knights [URL=/help/org/land:command][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Prerequisite: Religious foundation / Priory. Possible outlets: Lordship.


A town is a urban area where a large human population is concentrated and whose space is designed to facilitate and concentrate these activities: housing, commerce, industry, education, politics, culture, [URL=/help/org/land:town][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Prerequisite: Village. Possible outlets: Lordship / Sheikhdom / Barony / Vidamy / Viscounty / Burgraviate / City.


A lordship is a set of lands whose owner has the title of lord. The size of lordships varies: they can be just a hamlet or an entire region. The lordship is linked to the figure of the castle, which is [URL=/help/org/land:lordship][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Prerequisite: Commandery / Town / Village / Hamlet. Possible outlets: Sheikhdom / Barony / Vidamy / Viscounty / Burgraviate.


A priory is a monastery, usually subordinated to a more important abbey; it is placed under the authority of a prior, himself dependent on a more important abbot. [URL=/help/org/land:priory][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Prerequisite: Religious foundation. Possible outlets: Commandery / Abbey.


A sheikhdom or sheikdom is a geographical area or a society ruled by a tribal leader known as a sheikh. Sheikhdoms only exist under the direct or indirect authority of an Emirate, Sultanate or Califate. [URL=/help/org/land:sheikdom][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Prerequisite: Lordship / Town / Village / Hamlet.


In the peerage, baronies form the lowest rank, placed immediately below viscounties. A female of baronial rank has the title baroness. The rank of baron was introduced to distinguish those men who had [URL=/help/org/land:barony][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Prerequisite: Lordship / Town. Possible outlets: Vidamy / Viscounty / Burgraviate.


A viscount is a title used in certain countries for a noble of varying status, but historically deemed to convey a lower-middling rank. In many countries a viscount, and its historical equivalents, was [URL=/help/org/land:viscount][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Prerequisite: Barony / Lordship / Town. Possible outlets: Burgraviate.


Vidame is a feudal title. The vidame is a secular official chosen by the bishop of the diocese to perform functions on behalf of the church's earthly interest that are religiously inappropriate; this especially [URL=/help/org/land:vidame][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Prerequisite: Barony / Lordship / Town.


Burgrave also rendered as Burggrave is the official title for the ruler of a castle, especially a royal or episcopal castle, and its territory called a Burgraviate or Burgravate. The burgrave is a viscount [URL=/help/org/land:burgrav][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Prerequisite: Viscounty / Barony / Lordship / Town.


A city is an administrative or honorific status attributed to a human settlement that is generally more populous than a town according to local rules. [URL=/help/org/land:city][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial. Prerequisite: Town. Possible outlets: City-state.


An abbey is a type of monastery used by members of a religious order under the governance of an abbot or abbess. Abbeys provide a complex of buildings and land for religious activities, work, and housing. [URL=/help/org/land:abbey][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Prerequisite: Priory.


A city-state or free city is a city governed by itself and subjected only to the King or to the Emperor. The governor of a city-state receives the title of Doge, equivalent to a duke. [URL=/help/org/land:citystat][…][/URL]

. Sphere: territorial and temporal. Prerequisite: City.