Encyclopedia Organisations Territories Sheikhdom


A sheikhdom or sheikdom is a geographical area or a society ruled by a tribal leader known as a sheikh. Sheikhdoms only exist under the direct or indirect authority of an [URL=/help/org?type=emirate]Emirate[/URL], [URL=/help/org?type=sultan]Sultanate[/URL] or [URL=/help/org?type=caliph]Califate[/URL].


Unlocked 10 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Seigneurial residence.


 5000. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Seigneurial residence. Required skills and resources:

This upgrade is possible from the following types of organisations: Lordship / Town / Village / Hamlet. Must be a direct vassal of: Caliphate / Emirate / Sheikhdom / Sultanate. Requires approval of the following characters:

  • At least one of the superiors of the organisation having one of the following titles: Emir / Sultan / Caliph.


Direct vassals: Sheikhdom, Lordship, Town, Village, Hamlet. Maximum: 6.

Cannot be independent.


Head of the Sheikhdom.

×5. . Vassals: . Appointments: Steward. Skills: Melee combat 2/lvl, Ranged combat 2/lvl, Hunting 1/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Public buildings / Organisation seats / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Requires approval of the following characters:

  • All heirs having precedence over the claimant; they don't need to be present at the scene of the action and can give their consent from afar.


The steward has all the rights to manage the domain alongside the lord. This title must be granted to a character of confidence, able to react in his absence.

Oral address: Lord Steward / Sir.

Oral address: Lady Steward / Madam.

×4. . Skills: Management 4/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 1.