Encyclopedia Units Miners and quarrymen Resin burners

Resin burners

Resin workers are people whose work involved the extraction or working of resin. The term [I]resin burner[/I] is used for people who produce [URL=/help/res?type=pitch]pitch[/URL] or tar in a [URL=/help/res?type=tarkiln]tar kiln[/URL].

Old birches
Domain of Riz Koré
County of Durham, Terra Borealis

Maximum: 50% of the domain's population. This domain can train up to 65 unit(s) of this type.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Tar kiln. You are currently on a building of type: Birches.
This unit is compatible with: Rurality / Low nobility / Sheikhdom (except Regular clergy).
This unit is compatible with: Rurality / Low nobility / Sheikhdom (except Regular clergy).

×1. Skills: Resin burning 5/lvl, Fire 3/lvl.  5%  4 arpent(s).


Co / In. Training ground: Tar kiln. Equipment: optional: Axes 10, Shovels 10, Work horses 5, Wagons / Carts 5, Ropes 5. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Rurality / Low nobility / Sheikhdom (except Regular clergy). Maximum: 50% of the domain's population.

Automatic actions

Pitch, Repair, Go to work, Retreat.

Union of Resin Burners

Dariâ Themel, President of the trade union, Barda “Ram”, Trade unionist, Anteus “The Revenger”, Trade unionist, Bertrand Broceliande, Trade unionist, Authaire Daniels, Trade unionist, Ginevra “Eridani”, Trade unionist, Aiwendil le Chat, Trade unionist, Cybard le Chat, Trade unionist.

Patronal feasts

Saint Theobald (1751245200) 10 to their happiness and all their skills.