Religious foundation
A religious foundation or convent is a community of priests, religious brothers, religious sisters, monks or nuns. The foundation has no monastic vocation, it is therefore more open to the world than the [URL=/help/org/monastic:rfound][…][/URL]
. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Possible outlets: Commandery / Priory.
A commandery is a land establishment belonging to a religious and military order. Placed under the responsibility of commanders, they are the place of life and formation of communities of brothers, knights [URL=/help/org/monastic:command][…][/URL]
. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Prerequisite: Religious foundation / Priory. Possible outlets: Lordship.
A priory is a monastery, usually subordinated to a more important abbey; it is placed under the authority of a prior, himself dependent on a more important abbot. [URL=/help/org/monastic:priory][…][/URL]
. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Prerequisite: Religious foundation. Possible outlets: Commandery / Abbey.
An abbey is a type of monastery used by members of a religious order under the governance of an abbot or abbess. Abbeys provide a complex of buildings and land for religious activities, work, and housing. [URL=/help/org/monastic:abbey][…][/URL]
. Sphere: territorial and spiritual. Prerequisite: Priory.
Monastic order 
A monastic order is a regular religious order whose clerics, retired from the mundane life, have taken religious vows and living a common ideal of perfection as defined by the guidelines of a specific [URL=/help/org/monastic:morder][…][/URL]
. Sphere: spiritual. Prerequisite: Primacy / Archbishopric / Bishopric. Possible outlets: Monastic state.
Monastic state 
A monastic state is a monastic order which reigns over a territory, as a temporal sovereign. [URL=/help/org/monastic:mstate][…][/URL]
. Sphere: temporal and spiritual.
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Prerequisite: Monastic order.