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Encyclopedia Organisations Societies


A guild refers to an association or cooperation of persons practicing a common activity, usually merchants, who, having specific rules and privileges, seek protection from the authorities of a city or [URL=/help/org/soc:guild][…][/URL]

Sphere: social.


Brotherhoods are communities designed to promote fraternal self-help or to perpetuate a tradition. They may have a religious character with a saint patron and a spiritual purpose. They can also be secular, [URL=/help/org/soc:brhood][…][/URL]

Sphere: social.

Trade society

A trade society is a group of individuals specialised in the production of one type of resource. The president and the associates are determined each day according to the value produced in each of their [URL=/help/org/soc:company][…][/URL]

Sphere: commercial.

Trade union

A trade union is a group of people for the defence of the interests of a profession. The president and the trade unionists are determined every day according to the number and level of the units in each [URL=/help/org/soc:syndic][…][/URL]

Sphere: professional.


An Academy is an assembly of men and women of letters, scholars or artists recognised by their peers. The purpose of these so-called assemblies is to oversee the rules, codes and customs in their disciplines. [URL=/help/org/soc:academy][…][/URL]

Sphere: social.

Honorary order

Orders represent the different types of rankings. Every day, the characters get a number of points according to specific criteria for each Order. This determines both their position in the ranking and [URL=/help/org/soc:order][…][/URL]

Sphere: honorary.

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