Encyclopedia Units Lords and ladies


The Administrator is the Creator of the World and the Master of the Game. He is not a god you can pray in temples, but he sees and hears almost everything, and may answer some of your queries if you address [URL=/help/unit/lord:admin][…][/URL]

In / Wi. Skills: Writing 1/lvl, Management 1/lvl, Ceremony 1/lvl, Acting 1/lvl, Music 1/lvl.


Each of your characters is represented by a unit, you can move and make perform actions, some of which are just reserved for nobles, such as the acquisition of new land, requests for vassalages, etc. These [URL=/help/unit/lord:user][…][/URL]

Skills: Writing 1/lvl, Management 1/lvl, Ceremony 1/lvl, Acting 1/lvl, Music 1/lvl.