The carter is the one who drives a cart or a trolley to transport the resources where it is useful or to bring them to their place of storage. In spite of its sometimes very blooming language, the carter [URL=/help/unit/other:carter][…][/URL]
St / Co. Skills: Carriage 5 /lvl, Horse training 2 /lvl, Looting 1 /lvl.
Tabellions are public officers charged with writing cursory original acts using small letters. There is a distinction between the notary who writes the documents and the tabellion who makes authentic copies. [URL=/help/unit/other:tabel][…][/URL]
In. Skills: Management 5 /lvl, Writing 4 /lvl.

All property owned by a legal owner is liable to be stolen: crops, animals, food, personal effects, works of art, weapons, etc. Modalities and motivations of a robbery are varied: it is performed alone [URL=/help/unit/other:thief][…][/URL]
Ag / In. Skills: Intrusion 5 /lvl, Looting 5 /lvl, Melee combat 1 /lvl.
An undertaker is a professional who is responsible for placing the deceased in coffins and transporting them to the cemetery. They usually assist the priest during the burial ceremony. [URL=/help/unit/other:undertak][…][/URL]
Wi / Co. Skills: Digging 4 /lvl, Carriage 3 /lvl, Melee combat 1 /lvl, Looting 1 /lvl.