Encyclopedia Units Craftmen


An armourer is a person who repairs, modifies, designs or manufactures weapons (swords, pikes, spears…) and equipment for soldiers (armours, shields, helmets…). [URL=/help/unit/craft:armourer][…][/URL]

St / Ag. Skills: Smithing 5/lvl, Boiler making 3/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Machining 3/lvl, Engineering 1/lvl, Melee combat 1/lvl, Leatherworking 1/lvl, Enamelling 1/lvl, Painting 1/lvl, Turnery 1/lvl.


A basket maker is a craftsman responsible for making decorative or utilitarian objects using thin and flexible rods (rattan, wicker, woven straw, raffia, reeds, wooden sticks…) carefully chosen according [URL=/help/unit/craft:basketmk][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Braiding 5/lvl.


A blacksmith is a metalsmith who creates objects from wrought iron or steel by forging the metal, using tools to hammer, bend, and cut. Blacksmiths produce objects such as gates, grilles, railings, light [URL=/help/unit/craft:smith][…][/URL]

St / Ag. Skills: Smithing 5/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Metallurgy 2/lvl, Casting 1/lvl.


A boilermaker is a trained craftsman who produces metal fabrications from plates and sections. The name originates from craftsmen who would fabricate boilers. [URL=/help/unit/craft:boilermk][…][/URL]

Ag / St. Skills: Boiler making 5/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Casting 3/lvl, Smithing 2/lvl, Plumbing 1/lvl.


The bowyer is the craftsman specializing in the design and manufacture of bows. Its field of expertise also extends to the manufacture of crossbows and all other projectile weapons used by soldiers. [URL=/help/unit/craft:bowmk][…][/URL]

Ag / In. Skills: Archery 5/lvl, Turnery 2/lvl, Engineering 1/lvl, Ranged combat 1/lvl.


A cabinetmaker is the magical wizard of woodwork. Armed with saws and sandpaper, they transform trees into furniture with a flick of their chisel. They possess the power to turn a simple log into a majestic [URL=/help/unit/craft:cabinet][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Cabinet making 5/lvl, Marquetry 4/lvl, Joinery 3/lvl, Furnishing 3/lvl, Parquetry 3/lvl, Turnery 2/lvl, Sawing 2/lvl.


Carpentry is a skilled trade in which the primary work performed is the cutting, shaping and installation of building materials during the construction of buildings, ships, timber bridges, concrete formwork, [URL=/help/unit/craft:carpent][…][/URL]

Ag / St. Skills: Carpentry 5/lvl, Joinery 4/lvl, Parquetry 4/lvl, Sawing 3/lvl, Cladding 2/lvl, Cabinet making 2/lvl, Furnishing 1/lvl.


A chandler is the head of the chandlery in a household, responsible for wax, candles and soap. [URL=/help/unit/craft:chandler][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Chandlery 5/lvl, Soap making 1/lvl.


A cooper is someone in the trade of making utensils, casks, drums and barrels and other accessories, usually out of wood, but sometimes using other materials. [URL=/help/unit/craft:cooper][…][/URL]

Ag / St. Skills: Cooperage 5/lvl, Smithing 3/lvl.


A cordwainer is a shoemaker who makes new shoes from new leather. The cordwainer's trade can be contrasted with the cobbler's trade, according to a tradition that restricts cobblers to repairing shoes. [URL=/help/unit/craft:shoemkr][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Shoemaking 5/lvl, Leatherworking 3/lvl.


A cutler is the wizard of knives, crafting culinary magic with every swing of their hammer. They transform shapeless chunks of metal into sleek, gleaming blades that can chop, slice, and dice with surgical [URL=/help/unit/craft:cutler][…][/URL]

Ag / St. Skills: Smithing 5/lvl, Turnery 1/lvl, Fire 1/lvl.


Engineers are crazy folks. They like to do strange devices everywhere, for everything. But we like them to do strange devices on the battlefield, to kill more people. They can be useful to make mechanisms [URL=/help/unit/craft:engineer][…][/URL]

In / Ag. Skills: Engineering 5/lvl, Machining 3/lvl, Carpentry 3/lvl, Roofing 3/lvl, Surveying 3/lvl, Digging 3/lvl, Milling 2/lvl, Smithing 1/lvl, Carriage 1/lvl.


Casting is a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold, which contains a hollow cavity of the desired shape, and then allowed to solidify. The solidified part is also [URL=/help/unit/craft:founder][…][/URL]

Co / Ag. Skills: Casting 5/lvl, Metallurgy 4/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Smithing 1/lvl, Pottery 1/lvl.


The glassmaker or verrier is an artisan or artist, responsible for creating or restoring decorative glass objects (stained glass, figurines, sculptures) or functional items (tableware, specific glassware). [URL=/help/unit/craft:glassmk][…][/URL]

Ag / Co. Skills: Glassware 5/lvl, Fire 4/lvl, Smithing 1/lvl, Glazing 1/lvl.


A goldsmith is a metalworker who specialises in working with gold and other precious metals. They also make silverware, platters, goblets, decorative and serviceable utensils, ceremonial or religious items. [URL=/help/unit/craft:gsmith][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Goldsmithing 5/lvl, Metallurgy 3/lvl, Casting 2/lvl, Smithing 1/lvl.


A gunsmith is a person who builds guns. They have a very high level of craftsmanship, requiring the skills of a top-level machinist, a very skilled woodworker, and even an engineer. [URL=/help/unit/craft:gunsmith][…][/URL]

In / Ag. Skills: Machining 5/lvl, Engineering 4/lvl, Smithing 4/lvl, Turnery 3/lvl, Casting 3/lvl, Fire 2/lvl, Ranged combat 2/lvl.


Jewellery or jewelry consists of small decorative items worn for personal adornment, such as brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Jewellery may be attached to the body or the clothes, and [URL=/help/unit/craft:jeweller][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Jewelry 5/lvl, Goldsmithing 2/lvl, Glassware 1/lvl.

Leather craftmen

La maroquinerie est un terme issu du mot maroquin désignant un cuir tanné et teint du côté du poil, qui a donné son nom à l'industrie et au commerce de petits objets en cuir, sacs, ceintures, bijoux [URL=/help/unit/craft:leather][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Leatherworking 5/lvl, Clothing 2/lvl, Shoemaking 2/lvl.


A luthier is someone who builds or repairs string instruments generally consisting of a neck and a sound box. The word luthier comes from the French word luth, which means lute. The term originally referred [URL=/help/unit/craft:luthier][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi / In. Skills: Lutherie 5/lvl, Turnery 3/lvl, Music 2/lvl, Leatherworking 1/lvl.


The profession of a nail-maker is the most thankless among forge occupations, as the production of nails leaves very little room for the artisan's creativity. [URL=/help/unit/craft:nailmk][…][/URL]

Co / Ag. Skills: Smithing 5/lvl, Fire 1/lvl.


The papermaker is a professional in the realm of paper, overseeing its production and commercialisation. The traditional papermaker crafts sheets of paper using fibres from specific trees, producing papers [URL=/help/unit/craft:papermk][…][/URL]

Wi / Ag. Skills: Paper making 5/lvl, Milling 3/lvl.


A perfumer is a term used for an expert on creating perfume compositions, sometimes referred to affectionately as a Nose due to their fine sense of smell and skill in producing olfactory compositions. [URL=/help/unit/craft:perfumer][…][/URL]

Wi / Co. Skills: Distillery 5/lvl, Fire 1/lvl.


Pottery is made by forming a clay body into objects of a required shape and heating them to high temperatures in a kiln which removes all the water from the clay, which induces reactions that lead to permanent [URL=/help/unit/craft:potter][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Pottery 5/lvl, Enamelling 4/lvl, Ceramics 3/lvl, Turnery 2/lvl, Painting 2/lvl, Fire 1/lvl.


In days of yore, the Roper, a skilled artisan, deftly wove strength and utility into ropes within bustling workshops. Employing time-honoured techniques, they crafted indispensable cords for sailors, builders, [URL=/help/unit/craft:ropemk][…][/URL]

Ag / St. Skills: Braiding 4/lvl.


Craftsman or worker specialised in the manufacturing of rubber items. [URL=/help/unit/craft:rubber][…][/URL]

Co / Wi. Skills: Rubberworking 5/lvl, Vulcanisation 3/lvl.


The saddler works with flock and leather in order to make saddles and coupling parts for working horses. [URL=/help/unit/craft:saddler][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Upholstery 5/lvl, Carpentry 1/lvl.


The master sailmaker designs, cuts, assembles, and repairs sails for ships or wind-powered equipment. He also specialises in the making of tents. [URL=/help/unit/craft:sailmkr][…][/URL]

Ag / In. Skills: Clothing 4/lvl, Sailing 3/lvl, Braiding 1/lvl.


Le savonnier est un artisan qui fabrique du savon. [URL=/help/unit/craft:soapmk][…][/URL]

Wi / Co. Skills: Soap making 5/lvl.


Spinning is a major part of the textile industry. It is part of the textile manufacturing process where three types of fibre are converted into yarn, then fabrics. The textiles are then fabricated into [URL=/help/unit/craft:spinner][…][/URL]

Wi / Ag. Skills: Spinning 5/lvl, Braiding 3/lvl, Weaving 1/lvl.


A tailor is a person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally. [URL=/help/unit/craft:tailor][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Clothing 5/lvl, Leatherworking 3/lvl, Furnishing 2/lvl, Weaving 1/lvl.


Tanning is the process of treating skins and hides of animals to produce leather, which is more durable and less susceptible to decomposition. Traditionally, tanning uses tannin, an acidic chemical compound [URL=/help/unit/craft:tanner][…][/URL]

Co / Wi. Skills: Tanning 5/lvl, Fruit picking 1/lvl, Leatherworking 1/lvl.


Le forgeron est un ouvrier ou artisan professionnel qui forge à la main et assemble des pièces de métal pour réaliser des objets usuels ou entrant dans la composition d'un bâtiment. Il utilise le [URL=/help/unit/craft:toolmk][…][/URL]

St / Ag. Skills: Smithing 5/lvl, Machining 5/lvl, Turnery 3/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Engineering 2/lvl, Carpentry 2/lvl.


Upholstery is the work of providing furniture, with padding, springs, webbing, and fabric or leather covers. Traditional upholstery uses materials like animal hair (horse, hog and cow), coir, straw and [URL=/help/unit/craft:upholst][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Upholstery 5/lvl, Weaving 4/lvl, Clothing 4/lvl, Cabinet making 3/lvl, Furnishing 3/lvl.


Weaving is a method of textile production in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth. The method in which these threads are inter woven affects [URL=/help/unit/craft:weaver][…][/URL]

Ag / Wi. Skills: Weaving 5/lvl, Spinning 2/lvl, Braiding 2/lvl, Clothing 1/lvl.


A wheelwright is a person who builds or repairs wooden wheels. The word is the combination of "wheel" and the archaic word "wright", which comes from the Old English word "wryhta", meaning a worker or [URL=/help/unit/craft:wheelwr][…][/URL]

Ag / In. Skills: Turnery 3/lvl, Smithing 3/lvl, Engineering 2/lvl, Carpentry 1/lvl, Upholstery 1/lvl.