Encyclopedia Units Craftmen Nailmakers


The profession of a nail-maker is the most thankless among forge occupations, as the production of [URL=/help/res?type=nail]nails[/URL] leaves very little room for the artisan's creativity.

Domain of Jarra
Kingdom of Nyxhold, Tessara

Prerequisite: Iron / Bronze.
Maximum: 50% of the domain's population. This domain can train up to 16 unit(s) of this type.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Nail factory / Forge / School.
This unit is compatible with: Urbanity / Rurality (except Regular clergy).

×1. Skills: Smithing 5/lvl, Fire 1/lvl.  5%  4 arpent(s).


Co / Ag. Training ground: Nail factory / Forge / School. Equipment: Gloves 20, Hammers 10, Pliers 10. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Urbanity / Rurality (except Regular clergy). Maximum: 50% of the domain's population.

Automatic actions

Nails, Rivets, Chisels, Go to work, Retreat.

Union of Nailmakers

Biborazik Rahman, President of the trade union, Lucia von Ochsenstein, Trade unionist, Mesmin Elidir, Trade unionist, Turner “Dragonslayer”, Trade unionist, Alfred Vicquemare, Trade unionist, Brian Sheehan, Trade unionist, Khalid “Sāfir”, Trade unionist, Mikhail “Dominik”, Trade unionist.

Patronal feasts

Saint Clodoald (1757206800) 20, Saint Eligius (1764550800) 10, Saint Helena (1755478800) 5 to their happiness and all their skills.