Encyclopedia Units Non-playing units


Brigands are outlaws who hide in the woods. Some occupy domanial forests, near towns where they can launch raids, while others prefer to stay in remote places where they wait patiently for passage of a [URL=/help/unit/wild:brigand][…][/URL]

Skills: Melee combat 4/lvl, Ranged combat 3/lvl, Looting 3/lvl.


Creature of immense power and grace, the dragon commands attention wherever it roams. Wings stretch wide, catching the wind effortlessly as it soars through the sky with unparalleled agility. Its keen [URL=/help/unit/wild:dragon][…][/URL]

Skills: Explosion 15/lvl, Melee combat 10/lvl, Destruction 10/lvl.


Wolves are carnivorous mammals known for their social nature and howling communication. They belong to the Canidae family and are often found in the wild, living in packs. Wolves are known for their intelligence [URL=/help/unit/wild:wolf][…][/URL]

Skills: Melee combat 3/lvl.


Zombies are reanimated corpses. Every year, on Halloween, the bodies left without burial rise from the dead, becoming these terrifying creatures. One of the most unsettling aspects of zombies is their [URL=/help/unit/wild:zombie][…][/URL]

Skills: Melee combat 1/lvl.