Encyclopedia Units Non-playing units Brigands


Brigands are outlaws who hide in the woods. Some occupy domanial forests, near towns where they can launch raids, while others prefer to stay in remote places where they wait patiently for passage of a caravan or a group of reckless adventurers.

Two houses
Domain of Dushegubgrad
Principality of Esperanza, Ancoria

These are non-playing units.

Skills: Melee combat 4/lvl, Ranged combat 3/lvl, Looting 3/lvl.  10%  8 arpent(s).


Charge. Melee combat (Short swords / Axes). Ranged combat (Bows, Arrows), 1-4 arpent(s),  1″.

Automatic actions

Attack soldiers (melee), Loot, Meet isolated people (detection radius), Search for wealthy domains, Retreat to the forest, Wander randomly.

Patronal feasts

Saint Dismas (1742864400) 20 to their happiness and all their skills.