Encyclopedia Units Miners and quarrymen


The craft of the brickmaker consists in making bricks from baked clay. Bricks make up the basic building blocks of modern buildings. Thus, the brickmaker makes themselves invaluable to any city that wishes [URL=/help/unit/orer:brickmk][…][/URL]

Co / Ag. Skills: Ceramics 5/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Masonry 1/lvl.

Coke workers

A coke worker is responsible for the production of coke, a high-carbon fuel used primarily in steelmaking and other industrial processes. They operate and maintain coke ovens, where coal is heated in the [URL=/help/unit/orer:coke][…][/URL]

Co / In. Skills: Coking 5/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Metallurgy 3/lvl, Refining 1/lvl.


The job of the digger is easy. It needs two arms, a shovel, and some motivation. It is to dig and extract substances from the earth. Diggers are also sometimes used to prepare the ground for the arrival [URL=/help/unit/orer:digger][…][/URL]

St / Co. Skills: Digging 5/lvl, Carriage 3/lvl, Quarrying 1/lvl.

Lime burners

Lime burners produce lime from limestone rock, usually in a lime kiln. They are essential to the development of cities because lime is required in large amounts in construction. Apophis [URL=/help/unit/orer:limeburn][…][/URL]

Co / In. Skills: Lime burning 5/lvl, Fire 3/lvl.


If these people are just a link in the long chain of the metal industry, they remain one of the most important. The metallurgists work in the blast furnaces, not to bake small loaves, but pieces of ore, [URL=/help/unit/orer:metal][…][/URL]

Co / In. Skills: Metallurgy 5/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Casting 3/lvl, Refining 1/lvl, Smithing 1/lvl, Pottery 1/lvl.


Armed with a pickaxe and a never-ending thirst for shiny rocks, miners delve deep into the Earth's crust in search of bling and buried secrets. [URL=/help/unit/orer:miner][…][/URL]

St / Co. Skills: Mining 5/lvl, Quarrying 3/lvl, Carriage 3/lvl, Digging 2/lvl, Melee combat 1/lvl.


The Quarrymen specialises in the extraction of various rocks from quarries. He is less qualified than the miner and can only work on the surface. Apophis [URL=/help/unit/orer:qryman][…][/URL]

St / Co. Skills: Quarrying 5/lvl, Digging 3/lvl, Carriage 3/lvl, Melee combat 1/lvl.


The refiner is a chemist who usually works in a refinery. He is the equivalent of the metallurgist for the treatment of non-metallic ores and raw materials. [URL=/help/unit/orer:refiner][…][/URL]

In / Co. Skills: Refining 5/lvl, Vulcanisation 5/lvl, Fire 3/lvl, Distillery 1/lvl, Metallurgy 1/lvl.

Resin burners

Resin workers are people whose work involved the extraction or working of resin. The term resin burner is used for people who produce pitch or tar in a tar kiln. [URL=/help/unit/orer:resburn][…][/URL]

Co / In. Skills: Resin burning 5/lvl, Fire 3/lvl.


A saltpeter is a laborer or worker who takes care of making, collecting, and requisitioning saltpeter, harvested from the walls of stables and cowsheds. Saltpeter or potassium nitrate is used to make gunpowder. [URL=/help/unit/orer:saltpetr][…][/URL]

Wi / Co. Skills: Salt making 3/lvl.


The welldigger is tasked with digging and maintenance of a Well that provides Water. He is especially wary of landslides and crumbling of the structure of the well who are the main cause of death in this [URL=/help/unit/orer:welldig][…][/URL]

St / In. Skills: Drawing 5/lvl, Digging 3/lvl.