Encyclopedia Units Breeders


A beekeeper is a person who keeps honey bees. Beekeepers are also called honey farmers, apiarists, or less commonly, apiculturists. The term beekeeper refers to a person who keeps honey bees in beehives, [URL=/help/unit/breeder:beekpr][…][/URL]

Wi / Ag. Skills: Beekeeping 5/lvl, Fruit picking 1/lvl, Gardening 1/lvl.


The Cowman is the rancher dedicated to the raising, milking, caring of cows. They also guide them every day to pastures. Additionally, the Cowman also oversees the reproduction process of his cattle. [URL=/help/unit/breeder:rancher][…][/URL]

Wi / Co. Skills: Cattle breeding 5/lvl, Churning 3/lvl, Harvesting 2/lvl, Pig breeding 2/lvl.


A farmer (also called an agriculturer) is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw materials. [URL=/help/unit/breeder:farmer][…][/URL]

Co / Wi. Skills: Harvesting 5/lvl, Sowing 5/lvl, Farm breeding 4/lvl, Ploughing 3/lvl, Ripening 3/lvl, Plantation 3/lvl, Fruit picking 3/lvl, Cattle breeding 2/lvl, Churning 2/lvl, Cookery 2/lvl, Pig breeding 1/lvl.


A groom or stable boy is a person who is responsible for some or all aspects of the management of horses and/or the care of the stables themselves. [URL=/help/unit/breeder:groom][…][/URL]

Wi / Ch. Skills: Horse training 5/lvl, Harvesting 2/lvl, Cattle breeding 1/lvl.


A shepherd or sheepherder is a person who tends, herds, feeds, or guards herds of sheep. [URL=/help/unit/breeder:shepherd][…][/URL]

Wi / Co. Skills: Herding 5/lvl, Ripening 4/lvl.


The Swineherds are pigs, as much in their way of life as they are with their attitude towards ladies. If there are no whorehouses in the area, you will not find these swineherds, who truly excels in the [URL=/help/unit/breeder:swinehrd][…][/URL]

Co / Wi. Skills: Pig breeding 5/lvl, Cattle breeding 1/lvl.