Encyclopedia Units Clerics


A friar is a brother and a member of a mendicant order. Friars are different from monks in that they are called to live the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in service to society, rather than through [URL=/help/unit/cleric:friar][…][/URL]

Wi. Skills: Prayer 1/lvl.


The Mamluks are members of a militia made up of freed slaves, in the service of various sovereigns. They are recruited from among children selected on criteria of capacity, lack of ties, and resistance. [URL=/help/unit/cleric:mamluk][…][/URL]

St / Wi. Skills: Hast weapons 3/lvl, Melee combat 3/lvl, Prayer 2/lvl.


A monk is a man who chooses solitude to better find the faith, pronounces vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. For their life of prayer and contemplation, the vast majority of monks seek the support [URL=/help/unit/cleric:monk][…][/URL]

Wi. Skills: Writing 5/lvl, Prayer 4/lvl, Music 3/lvl, Ceremony 2/lvl, Management 2/lvl, Chandlery 1/lvl, Paper making 1/lvl, Alchemy 1/lvl.

Monks builders

The monks builders specialise in the construction and repair of the monastery buildings. Their skills are varied and range from architecture to the handling of a pickaxe. [URL=/help/unit/cleric:mbuilder][…][/URL]

Wi / Ag. Skills: Carpentry 3/lvl, Masonry 3/lvl, Stone cutting 3/lvl, Prayer 2/lvl, Surveying 2/lvl, Roofing 2/lvl, Cooperage 2/lvl, Smithing 2/lvl, Architecture 1/lvl, Sculpture 1/lvl, Cabinet making 1/lvl, Joinery 1/lvl, Turnery 1/lvl, Parquetry 1/lvl, Sawing 1/lvl, Cladding 1/lvl, Quarrying 1/lvl, Digging 1/lvl, Fire 1/lvl, Lime burning 1/lvl.

Monks farmers

The monks farmers or peasant monks are specialised in agricultural work. They cultivate the land, raise cattle and provide the monastery with food. [URL=/help/unit/cleric:pmonk][…][/URL]

Wi / Co. Skills: Gardening 4/lvl, Harvesting 3/lvl, Sowing 3/lvl, Rice growing 3/lvl, Plantation 3/lvl, Farm breeding 3/lvl, Prayer 2/lvl, Ploughing 2/lvl, Churning 2/lvl, Cookery 2/lvl, Fruit picking 2/lvl, Drawing 1/lvl, Digging 1/lvl, Viniculture 1/lvl, Beekeeping 1/lvl, Cattle breeding 1/lvl, Horse training 1/lvl, Ripening 1/lvl, Brewing 1/lvl, Herding 1/lvl, Milling 1/lvl, Baking 1/lvl, Tree felling 1/lvl, Fire 1/lvl, Braiding 1/lvl, Charcoal burning 1/lvl.


A monk-soldier is the expression consecrated to designate the friar of the military and hospital orders. The term monk-soldiers is commonly used to describe the Templars. It is as singular as it is astonishing [URL=/help/unit/cleric:msoldier][…][/URL]

Wi / St. Skills: Melee combat 4/lvl, Ranged combat 3/lvl, Prayer 2/lvl, Hast weapons 1/lvl, Horse training 1/lvl.


A priest is a person authorised to perform the sacred rituals of a cult, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more deities. They also have the authority or power to administer religious [URL=/help/unit/cleric:priest][…][/URL]

Wi. Skills: Prayer 5/lvl, Ceremony 4/lvl, Music 3/lvl, Management 1/lvl.

Trappist monks

Trappist monks value manual work, considered highly conducive to prayer, silence and withdrawal from the world. They specialise in the production of cheese, beer and other beverages. [URL=/help/unit/cleric:trappist][…][/URL]

Wi. Skills: Brewing 5/lvl, Viniculture 4/lvl, Distillery 4/lvl, Ripening 4/lvl, Writing 3/lvl, Prayer 3/lvl, Fire 1/lvl.