Encyclopedia Units Clerics Monks farmers

Monks farmers

The monks farmers or peasant monks are specialised in agricultural work. They cultivate the land, raise cattle and provide the monastery with food.


Unlocked 5 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Agricultural areas / Animal breeding. You are currently on a bare ground.

×1. Skills: Gardening 4/lvl, Harvesting 3/lvl, Sowing 3/lvl, Rice growing 3/lvl, Plantation 3/lvl, Farm breeding 3/lvl, Prayer 2/lvl, Ploughing 2/lvl, Churning 2/lvl, Cookery 2/lvl, Fruit picking 2/lvl, Drawing 1/lvl, Digging 1/lvl, Viniculture 1/lvl, Beekeeping 1/lvl, Cattle breeding 1/lvl, Horse training 1/lvl, Ripening 1/lvl, Brewing 1/lvl, Herding 1/lvl, Milling 1/lvl, Baking 1/lvl, Tree felling 1/lvl, Fire 1/lvl, Braiding 1/lvl, Charcoal burning 1/lvl.  5%  4 arpent(s).


Wi / Co. Training ground: Agricultural areas / Animal breeding. Equipment: Pitchforks 10, Hoes / Axes 10, optional: Sickles 10, Baskets 10, Shovels 10, Cows / Work horses 5, Ploughs / Carts / Wagons 5, Yokes 5. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Abbey / Priory / Commandery. Maximum: 75% of the domain's population.

Automatic actions

Ploughed field, Wheat field, Barley field, Hop field, Potato field, Beet field, Cassava field, Sugar cane, Rice field, Leeks, Cabbage, Turnips, Carrots, Onions, Garlic, Chilli peppers, Beans, Pumpkins, Eggplants, Tomatoes, Artichokes, Celery, Lettuces, Hay, Wheat, Barley, Hop, Potatoes, Beets, Cassava, Sugar cane, Rice, Apples, Pears, Plums, Olives, Apricots, Cherries, Chestnuts, Walnuts, Almonds, Hazelnuts, Lemons, Oranges, Juniper berries, Acorns, Cork, Bananas, Coconuts, Nutmeg, Maple syrup, Gum arabic, Grapes, Coffee, Tea, Spruce, Pine, Fir, Larch, Cedar, Cypress, Juniper wood, Oak, Chestnut wood, Beech, Birch wood, Ash wood, Poplar, Maple, Lime wood, Alder, Walnut wood, Olive wood, Acacia, Teak, Hevea, Mahogany, Rosewood, Ebony, Apple wood, Pear wood, Plum wood, Almond wood, Apricot wood, Cherry wood, Hazelnut wood, Lemon wood, Wicker, Bamboo, Palm wood, Charcoal, Baskets, Cows, Saddle horses, Work horses, Sheep, Rabbits, Hens, Honey, Eggs, Wool, Cow milk, Sheep milk, Butter, Cheese, Flour, Bread, Beer, Cider, Olive oil, Confiture, Drinking water, Repair, Go to work, Retreat.

Patronal feasts

Saint Benedict (1752195600) 15, Saint Medardus (1749344400) 10, Saint Isidore the Laborer (1747270800) 10 to their happiness and all their skills.