Encyclopedia Units Craftmen Goldsmiths


A goldsmith is a metalworker who specialises in working with gold and other precious metals. They also make silverware, platters, goblets, decorative and serviceable utensils, ceremonial or religious items. Goldsmiths must be skilled in forming metal through filing, soldering, sawing, forging, casting, and polishing metal.

Mature cypresses
Domain of Toussaint
County of Toussaint, Ancoria

Unlocked 4 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
Prerequisite: Gold / Silver.
Maximum: 25% of the domain's population. This domain can train up to 27 unit(s) of this type.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Goldsmith shop / School. You are currently on a building of type: Cypresses.

×2. Skills: Goldsmithing 5/lvl, Metallurgy 3/lvl, Casting 2/lvl, Smithing 1/lvl.  5%  4 arpent(s).


Ag / Wi. Training ground: Goldsmith shop / School. Equipment: Hammers 10, Pliers 10, Chisels 10, Files 10, optional: Magnifying glasses 10. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Urbanity. Maximum: 25% of the domain's population.

Automatic actions

Rings, Necklaces, Dishes, Goblets, Go to work, Retreat.

Union of Goldsmiths

Angelica Anier, President of the trade union, Aegon “The Prince of Blood”, Trade unionist, Lilante Mazdette, Trade unionist, Nathaniel Valandil, Trade unionist, Gumersindo “El Campesino”, Trade unionist, Shaé “L Ange Noir”, Trade unionist, Esteban Argouges, Trade unionist, Ceolsige Kokosmaque, Trade unionist.

Patronal feasts

Saint Eligius (1764550800) 20 to their happiness and all their skills.