Encyclopedia Units Craftmen Wheelwrights


A wheelwright is a person who builds or repairs wooden wheels. The word is the combination of "wheel" and the archaic word "wright", which comes from the Old English word "wryhta", meaning a worker or maker. These tradesmen make wheels for carts and wagons by first constructing the hub, the spokes and the rim/felloe segments and assembling them all into a unit working from the centre of the wheel outwards.

Seven houses
Domain of St Petersburg
County of St Petersburg, Bermuda

Maximum: 50% of the domain's population. This domain can train up to 41 unit(s) of this type.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Wheelwright shop / School. You are currently on a destroyed building.
This unit is compatible with: Urbanity / Rurality (except Regular clergy).

×1. Skills: Turnery 3/lvl, Smithing 3/lvl, Engineering 2/lvl, Carpentry 1/lvl, Upholstery 1/lvl.  5%  4 arpent(s).


Ag / In. Training ground: Wheelwright shop / School. Equipment: Hammers 10, Saws 10, Chisels / Knives 10, Files 10, Pliers 10, optional: Gloves 20, Drills 10, Lathes 3, Work horses 5, Carts / Wagons 5, Ropes 5. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Urbanity / Rurality (except Regular clergy). Maximum: 50% of the domain's population.

Automatic actions

Wheels, Carts, Wagons, Ploughs, Yokes, Go to work, Retreat.

Union of Wheelwrights

Elrikon Ar Gwizieg Augis, President of the trade union, Fire Trude, Trade unionist, Isa Sælene Sæbástur Æwolf, Trade unionist, Alyssa “La Magnífica”, Trade unionist, Aegon “Pasha Pook”, Trade unionist, Kël “L Ours Aux Yeux Bleu”, Trade unionist, Avgustina Ironclad, Trade unionist, Khalid “Sāfir”, Trade unionist.

Patronal feasts

Saint Eligius (1764550800) 15, Saint Catherine (1764032400) 10, Saint Guy (1757638800) 5 to their happiness and all their skills.