Encyclopedia Units Building workers Carpenters


Carpentry is a skilled trade in which the primary work performed is the cutting, shaping and installation of building materials during the construction of buildings, ships, timber bridges, concrete formwork, etc. Carpenters traditionally work with natural wood and do the rougher work such as framing. They are usually the first tradesmen on a job and the last to leave.


No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Carpenter shop / School / Guild house. You are currently on a bare ground.

×1.5. Skills: Carpentry 5/lvl, Joinery 4/lvl, Parquetry 4/lvl, Sawing 3/lvl, Cladding 2/lvl, Cabinet making 2/lvl, Furnishing 1/lvl.  5%  4 arpent(s).


Ag / St. Training ground: Carpenter shop / School / Guild house. Equipment: Hammers 10, Chisels 10, Saws 10, optional: Pliers 10, Ladders 5, Drills 10, Work horses 5, Carts / Wagons 5, Ropes 5. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Guild / Territories (except Regular clergy). Maximum: 50% of the domain's population.

Automatic actions

Ladders, Pavises, Yokes, Coffins, Tables, Chairs, Beds, Repair, Go to work, Retreat.

Union of Carpenters

Edmond “The Holy Father”, President of the trade union, Curley “Yasno Solnyshko”, Trade unionist, Lanyard Fogarty, Trade unionist, Junie d'Arborea, Trade unionist, Lukas Idmark, Trade unionist, Tiburcio Gallus, Trade unionist, Angelica Anier, Trade unionist, Ainulindalë le Chat, Trade unionist.

Patronal feasts

Saint Joseph (1742346000) 20, Saint Eulogius (1741654800) 10, Saint Matthias (1747184400) 10, Saint Julian (1739322000) 5 to their happiness and all their skills.