Loki Wallace, aka Loki “El Vengador”

Grand officer of the Order of Mines, Priest of Ni Land, Village chief of Ni Land and Elleve Land, Officer of the Order of Merit, Cartographers and Merchants, Hamlet chief of Ti Land, Knight of the Order of Rulers, Builders and Denar, Member of the Sandstone Quarries Society

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Armorial Parish of Ni Land

Parish of Ni Land

Parish of Ni Land

Founded on 1739393437

Population: 961 inhabitants.

Important Characters: Loki “El Vengador”: Priest.

In the same territory: Village of Ni Land.

Trade route with: Primera Aventura.

Quality label: Lime, since: 1736477437.

Locate on the Map

Parish of Ni Land

1 041.50

Sphere: spiritual
Housing capacity for 1760 inhabitants (minimum: 500)

MDcwMKqge3CmlJ+bepxtinNcmYaCZ6iLrKh9bKaak62Gin+GaWqbdoVjrHewsm99pYimpmiaenhi Z4d4k4XHnp6ijl2lqc/osH56mZym1Kd2YruHqp98cJiYssKyxLF4YmeHiINVrYKeqI1934igppm+ trqRm9G1dnWnd7Gfb3G3iKCmaI6KeGJ9t5WdVaqWnqF6oNTWk6hzybrCk6PDrL6V2Xern7Kh4NbT 4ql+eoOAqcuoxKSahKnesF2lk5Orha6an1VqpmiDdtbE5pR8fuLV1Zt1n4CDZmiXaIZ0w7ueoXqE 1NHSm3ibbYV2jLSPdmW5gJ6hfg==
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