Encyclopedia Organisations Provinces Marquisate


A marquess is a nobleman of hereditary rank in various peerages and in those of some of their former colonies. The theoretical distinction between a marquess and other titles has faded into obscurity. In times past, the distinction between a count and a marquess was that the land of a marquess, called a march, was on the border of the country, while a count's land, called a county, often was not. As a result of this, a marquess was trusted to defend and fortify against potentially hostile neighbours and was thus more important and ranked higher than a count. The title is ranked below that of a [URL=/help/org?type=duchy]duke[/URL], which was often restricted to the royal family and those that were held in high enough esteem to be granted such a title.

Domain of Tinheart Deep
Tsardom of Uijin, Bermuda

Unlocked 11 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
Prerequisite: Wooden castle / Keep / Red keep. At least one of these buildings is missing in the domain, or it is in rubble or not sufficiently developed.
Prerequisite: Barracks.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence.
Sphere: temporal.
In conflict with the following organisations: Tsardom of Uijin. Organisations of this type must be at least 240 arpents apart.
This upgrade is possible from the following types of organisations: County.
Can be a direct vassal of: Archduchy / Duchy / Empire / Grand Duchy / Kingdom / Tsardom / Viceroyalty. This organisation is a vassal of the lordship of Saint Augustus Cove.
Minimum number of vassals: 3. This organisation requires more vassals.
Ownership. You must be the owner of this organisation.


 15000. Sphere: temporal. 320 arpents. This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence. Required skills and resources:

This upgrade is possible from the following types of organisations: County. Minimum number of vassals: 3. Can be a direct vassal of: Archduchy / Duchy / Empire / Grand Duchy / Kingdom / Tsardom / Viceroyalty. Requires approval of the following characters:

  • At least one of the superiors of the organisation having one of the following titles: Viceroy / Grand duke / Archduke / King / Tsar / Emperor.

New seat

The seat of this organisation can be moved in a radius of 320 arpents. This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence.

Requires approval of the following characters:

  • The owner of the territorial organisation.


Direct vassals: City, Viscounty, Barony, Lordship, Town, Village, Hamlet. Minimum: 3. Maximum: 6.


Head of a Marquisate. The marquis can appoint a seneschal. He manages his domain and supervises military operations throughout the Marquisate.

Honorary predicate: The Most Honourable.
Oral address: Your Lordship / My Lord / Sir.

Honorary predicate: The Most Honourable.
Oral address: Your Ladyship / My Lady / Madam.

×6.5. . Vassals: . Appointments: Seneschal, Lieutenant general. Skills: Management 2/lvl, Ceremony 2/lvl, Melee combat 2/lvl, Ranged combat 2/lvl, Hunting 2/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Public buildings / Organisation seats / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Requires approval of the following characters:

  • All heirs having precedence over the claimant; they don't need to be present at the scene of the action and can give their consent from afar.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence. Required skills and resources:

Marquess consort

Spouse, with no particular function in the marquisate.

Marquess consort
Oral address: Your Lordship / My Lord / Sir.

Marchioness consort
Oral address: Your Ladyship / My Lady / Madam.

×6. . Vassals: .


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Requires approval of the following characters:

  • At least one character having one of the following titles: Pope / Patriarch / High priest / Primate / Archbishop / Bishop / Archdeacon / Dean / Priest, from the same spiritual obedience as the domain (excommunicated characters are ignored).


The seneschal has all the rights to manage the domain alongside the lord. This title must be granted to a character of confidence, able to react in his absence.

Oral address: Lord Seneschal / Sir.

Oral address: Lady Seneschal / Madam.

×4. . Skills: Management 4/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 1.

Lieutenant general

Second in command of the army. The lieutenant general supervises military operations alongside the lord. He is the equivalent of a provincial marshal.

Lieutenant general
Oral address: General.

Lieutenant general
Oral address: General.

×4. . Vassals: . Skills: Melee combat 2/lvl, Ranged combat 2/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 1.