Encyclopedia Organisations States Great temple

Great temple

As an organisation, the Great Temple is the seat of a religion, which is most often understood as a system of practices and beliefs for a group or community. It is often thought of as regards the relationship between humanity and the gods. Religion can be understood as the ways of seeking and/or finding answers to the deepest questions of humanity. In this sense it relates to philosophy. But it can also be seen as what is most contrary to reason and seen as synonymous with superstition. She may be linked to politics or want to break free from it. It can also be recognised in the definition and practice of [URL=/help/cult]cults[/URL], teachings, spiritual exercises and behavior in society.

Ploughed field
Domain of Faleytt
County of Morningstar, Ancoria

Unlocked 8 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
Regalia: Baighôn's mask, Trident of Fyndus, Kaabé's Sickle, Kastau's Hammer, Loose Belt of Pro Zak, Winged Helmet of Qallash, Caduceus of Urgos. Requires one of these regalia in the domain.
Prerequisite: Places of worship.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Rectory / Places of worship. You are currently on a building of type: Field.
Sphere: temporal and spiritual.
In conflict with the following organisations: County of Morningstar, Duchy of Gatorie. Organisations of this type must be at least 240 arpents apart.
This upgrade is possible from the following types of organisations: Deanery / Archdeaconate / Bishopric.
Must be independent. This organisation is a vassal of the duchy of Bandar.
Possible vassals of type: Deanery, Parish, City, Lordship, Town. There are vassals of type: Village.
Ownership. You must be the owner of this organisation.


 15000. Sphere: temporal and spiritual. 400 arpents. This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Rectory / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

This upgrade is possible from the following types of organisations: Deanery / Archdeaconate / Bishopric. Must be independent. Requires approval of the following characters:

  • The surrounding domains with a higher population.


Direct vassals: Deanery, Parish, City, Lordship, Town. Maximum: 7.

High priest

High priest
Honorary predicate: His Holiness.
Oral address: Your Holiness.

High priestess
Honorary predicate: Her Holiness.
Oral address: Your Holiness.

×9. . Vassals: . Skills: Prayer 5/lvl, Ceremony 4/lvl, Management 3/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Rectory / Places of worship / Public buildings. Required skills and resources:

Requires approval of the following characters:

  • The members of the legitimate house; they don't need to be present at the scene of the action and can give their consent from afar.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence. Required skills and resources: