Encyclopedia Organisations States Holy See

Holy See

The papal function is above all spiritual, or mystical, long before it is political. Theology affirms that the role of the Pope to preside over the unity of the Church was enunciated by the gods. The Pope is the sovereign of the Holy See. This sovereignty over a territory is the guarantee of independence of his spiritual power over all the other kingdoms in the world. He is elected by his direct vassals, who are the cardinals of the Church. The Pope is the guarantor of unity and the visible head of the Church (the gods being the invisible heads). The Church brings together the worship of several divinities. The spiritual influence of the pope allows him to designate which [URL=/help/cult]cults[/URL] are authorised in his Church and which ones are considered as heretic.


Unlocked 12 weeks after the beginning of each new continent. It will be unlocked on 1749811181. Until then, this type of organisation cannot be founded, promoted or moved to this region.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Rectory / Places of worship.


 200000. Sphere: temporal and spiritual. 960 arpents. This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Rectory / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

This upgrade is possible from the following types of organisations: Deanery / Archdeaconate / Bishopric / Great temple / Archbishopric / Primacy / Patriarchate. Must be independent. Requires approval of the following characters:

  • All the direct vassals of the organisation.

New seat

The seat of this organisation can be moved in a radius of 960 arpents. This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence.

Requires approval of the following characters:

  • The owner of the territorial organisation.


Head of the Holy Church. He is elected by the cardinals who meet in conclave to deliberate and vote.

Honorary predicate: His Holiness.
Oral address: Most Holy Father / Your Holiness.

Honorary predicate: Her Holiness.
Oral address: Most Holy Mother / Your Holiness.

×10. . Vassals: . Appointments: Camerlengo, Captain general of the Holy Church, High prelate, Honorary prelate, Chaplain. Skills: Ceremony 5/lvl, Prayer 5/lvl, Management 3/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Rectory / Places of worship / Public buildings. Required skills and resources:

Requires approval of the following characters:

  • All the direct vassals of the organisation.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence. Required skills and resources:


The camerlengo of the Holy Church is the cardinal in charge of the temporal goods of the Holy See during the period of vacancy of the pontifical power.

Honorary predicate: His Eminence.
Oral address: Your Eminence / Monsignor.

Honorary predicate: Her Eminence.
Oral address: Your Eminence / Madam.

×8. . Vassals: . Skills: Management 5/lvl, Ceremony 4/lvl, Prayer 4/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 1.

Captain general of the Holy Church

The Captain General of the Church is the de facto commander-in-chief of the papal army. The function gives the power and responsibility of a tactical military leader.

Captain general of the Holy Church
Oral address: Lord Captain General / Sir.

Captain general of the Holy Church
Oral address: Lady Captain General / Madam.

×7. . Vassals: . Skills: Melee combat 3/lvl, Ranged combat 3/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 1.


A cardinal is a high dignitary of the Church. This title is automatically attributed to the pope's direct vassals.

Honorary predicate: His Eminence.
Oral address: Your Eminence / Monsignor.

Honorary predicate: Her Eminence.
Oral address: Your Eminence / Madam.

. Skills: Prayer 4/lvl, Management 3/lvl, Ceremony 3/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 1.

High prelate

Le haut prélat de la cour pontificale est le vice-Camerlingue de la Sainte Église, l'auditeur général et le trésorier général de la Chambre apostolique et le Majordome de Sa Sainteté.

High prelate
Honorary predicate: His Excellency.
Oral address: Your Excellency / Excellency / Monsignor.

High prelate
Honorary predicate: Her Excellency.
Oral address: Your Excellency / Excellency / Madam.

×5. . Vassals: . Skills: Management 4/lvl, Prayer 4/lvl, Ceremony 3/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 1.

Honorary prelate

The honorary prelature is generally granted to priests: they obtain, by this distinction, the right to wear certain episcopal attributes. They can then be called Monsignor, without being consecrated as bishops.

Honorary prelate
Honorary predicate: His Excellency.
Oral address: Your Excellency / Excellency / Monsignor.

Honorary prelate
Honorary predicate: Her Excellency.
Oral address: Your Excellency / Excellency / Madam.

×3. . Vassals: . Skills: Prayer 3/lvl, Management 2/lvl, Ceremony 2/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 3.


A chaplain of His/Her Holiness is a priest to whom the Pope has granted this honorary title. He is called Monsignor and has certain privileges, such as ecclesiastical robe and clothing.

Honorary predicate: His Excellency.
Oral address: Your Excellency / Excellency / Monsignor.

Honorary predicate: Her Excellency.
Oral address: Your Excellency / Excellency / Madam.

×3. . Vassals: .


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 3.