Encyclopedia Organisations Urbanity Town


A town is a urban area where a large human population is concentrated and whose space is designed to facilitate and concentrate these activities: housing, commerce, industry, education, politics, culture, etc.

High pine trees
Domain of Eskar
Terra Borealis

Unlocked 4 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
Minimum housing capacity: 1,500.
Prerequisite: Warehouse.
Prerequisite: Industrial buildings.
Prerequisite: Manufacturing workshops.
Prerequisite: Teaching facilities.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Public buildings. You are currently on a building of type: Pine trees.


 1000. Sphere: territorial. This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Public buildings. Required skills and resources:

This upgrade is possible from the following types of organisations: Village. Minimum housing capacity: 1,500. Can be a direct vassal of: Archduchy / Barony / Burgraviate / Caliphate / City / City-state / County / County palatine / District / Duchy / Emirate / Empire / Federation / Grand Duchy / Grand Principality / Great temple / Holy See / Kingdom / Landgraviate / Lordship / Margraviate / Marquisate / Monastic state / Patriarchate / Principality / Sheikhdom / Sultanate / Tsardom / Viceroyalty / Vidamy / Viscounty.


Direct vassals: Village, Hamlet. Maximum: 3.


Head of a town. The mayor can appoint a vice-mayor and a treasurer.

Oral address: Sir.

Oral address: Madam.

×4. . Appointments: Vice-mayor, Treasurer. Skills: Management 2/lvl, Melee combat 1/lvl, Ranged combat 1/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Public buildings. Required skills and resources:

Requires approval of the following characters:

  • The members of the legitimate house; they don't need to be present at the scene of the action and can give their consent from afar.


The vice-mayor has all the rights to manage the domain alongside the mayor. This title must be granted to a character of confidence, able to react in his absence.

Oral address: Sir.

Oral address: Madam.

×3. . Skills: Management 4/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 1.


Manages organisation finances, expenses and revenues. The treasurer also has access to the purchase and sale of resources.

Oral address: Lord Treasurer / Sir.

Oral address: Lady Treasurer / Madam.

×3. . Skills: Management 4/lvl.


This action takes place in one of the following buildings: Organisation seats / Public buildings / Seigneurial residence / Places of worship. Required skills and resources:

Maximum number of recipients: 1.