Encyclopedia Units Military units Monk-soldiers


A monk-soldier is the expression consecrated to designate the friar of the military and hospital orders. The term [I]monk-soldiers[/I] is commonly used to describe the Templars. It is as singular as it is astonishing to see how they know how to behave at the same time, sweeter than lambs and more terrible than lions, to the point that we do not know whether to call them religious or soldiers, or rather that we can't find other names that suit them better than these two, since they know how to combine the sweetness of some with the value of others. [SRC]Bernard de Clairvaux


No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Barracks.

×1. Skills: Melee combat 4/lvl, Ranged combat 3/lvl, Prayer 2/lvl, Hast weapons 1/lvl, Horse training 1/lvl.  25%  8 arpent(s).


Wi / St. Training ground: Barracks. Equipment: Bastard swords / Crossbows 10, Chainmail hauberks 10, optional: Shields / Pavises 10, Helmets / Great helms 10, Crossbow bolts 240, Quivers 10, Saddle horses 10, Saddles 10, Spurs 20, Stirrups 20, Spears 10. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Commandery / Monastic state. Maximum: 50% of the domain's population.


Charge. Melee combat (Bastard swords). Hast weapons (Spears). Ranged combat (Crossbows, Crossbow bolts), 0-2 arpent(s),  5″.

Automatic actions

Patrol, Retreat.

Patronal feasts

Saint Julian (1739322000) 15, Saint Benedict (1752195600) 10, Saint Martin (1762822800) 10, Saint Anthony the Great (1737075600) 5 to their happiness and all their skills.