Encyclopedia Units Artists Comedians


A comedian or comic, is a person who seeks to entertain an audience, primarily by making them laugh. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting a fool. A comedian who addresses an audience directly is called a stand-up comic. A popular saying is, "A comic says funny things; a comedian says things funny", which draws a distinction between how much of the comedy can be attributed to verbal content and how much to acting and persona.


Unlocked 5 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Theatre / School / Guild house.

×0.5. Skills: Acting 5/lvl, Writing 2/lvl, Clothing 1/lvl, Looting 1/lvl.  15%  4 arpent(s).


Ch / Ag. Training ground: Theatre / School / Guild house. Equipment: Stage costumes 15. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Academy / Guild / Urbanity / High nobility / Medium nobility / Low nobility / Sheikhdom / Village. Maximum: 5% of the domain's population.

Automatic actions

Theatre show, Theatre pieces, Go to work, Retreat.

Union of Comedians

Patricia Desarmes, President of the trade union, Declan “Le Zoumeur”, Trade unionist, Jakub Cegła, Trade unionist, Théodore “Le Cerf d'Argent”, Trade unionist, Velaya Rhobar, Trade unionist, Terezia Uhorcik, Trade unionist, Elisabeth Tournebu de Garlande, Trade unionist, Alpia “Secondary”, Trade unionist.

Patronal feasts

Saint Genesius (1756083600) 20, Saint Julian (1739322000) 10, Saint Maturinus (1761958800) 10, Saint Lawrence (1754787600) 5 to their happiness and all their skills.