Encyclopedia Units Foresters Hunters


Hunting is the pursuit of animals with the aim of capturing or killing them, either for consumption, sustenance, or destruction. It is also a pastime of the nobility and a feudal privilege. Kings are avid hunters, and certain areas are reserved for royal hunting. Being admitted to the king's hunts is one of the greatest honors at court. The high-justice lord has this right within the scope of their high justice, and the local lord within their seigniory. Commoners do not have this right unless they have purchased a fief, seigniory, or high justice. Poachers are particularly feared, mainly due to the possibility of carrying weapons. Offenders are severely punished. However, many lords have realised that beyond the recreational aspect, hunting practiced by professional [URL=/help/unit?type=hunter]hunters[/URL] contributes to providing food for the population and supplying their domain's tanneries.


No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Decideous trees / Coniferous trees / Hunter shelter. You are currently on a bare ground.

×1. Skills: Hunting 5/lvl, Trapping 3/lvl, Ranged combat 3/lvl, Hast weapons 1/lvl, Butchery 1/lvl, Exploration 1/lvl.  5%  6 arpent(s).


Co / Ag / St. Training ground: Decideous trees / Coniferous trees / Hunter shelter. Equipment: Bows / Longbows 10, Arrows 240, Quivers 10, Knives 5, optional: Spears 5. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Rurality (except Regular clergy). Maximum: 50% of the domain's population.

Automatic actions

Hares, Deer meat, Elk meat, Reindeer meat, Gazelle meat, Gnu meat, Bison meat, Buffalo meat, Boar meat, Warthog meat, Repair, Go to work, Retreat.

Union of Hunters

Portabella Fogarty, President of the trade union, Arison Grimwald, Trade unionist, Runny Biscuits “El Suspicio”, Trade unionist, Christopher Blackmont, Trade unionist, Guillemette “La Guepe the Wasp”, Trade unionist, Giovanni Medici, Trade unionist, Anoushka Zero, Trade unionist, Avdiyes Zero, Trade unionist.

Patronal feasts

Saint Hubertus (1762131600) 20 to their happiness and all their skills.