Encyclopedia Units Military units Engineers


Engineers are crazy folks. They like to do strange devices everywhere, for everything. But we like them to do strange devices on the battlefield, to kill more people. They can be useful to make mechanisms for crossbows. They like to make crossbows. On the other hand, never ask them to make gearing for a mill. They will do it, but they literally hate it. [I]Trust me, I'm an engineer. A proud one.[/I] [SRC]Anonymous[/SRC]

Medium palm trees

Unlocked 5 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Engineering workshop / Barracks / School. You are currently on a building of type: Palm trees.

×2. Skills: Engineering 5/lvl, Machining 3/lvl, Carpentry 3/lvl, Roofing 3/lvl, Surveying 3/lvl, Digging 3/lvl, Milling 2/lvl, Smithing 1/lvl, Carriage 1/lvl.  5%  4 arpent(s).


In / Ag. Training ground: Engineering workshop / Barracks / School. Equipment: Wrenches 10, Hammers 10, Chisels 10, Pliers 10, optional: Helmets 10, Mail shirts 10, Saws 10, Files 10, Drills 10, Lathes 3, Shovels 10, Ladders 5, Work horses 5, Wagons / Carts 5, Ropes 5. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Urbanity / Low nobility / Medium nobility / High nobility / States / Caliphalate. Maximum: 5% of the domain's population.

Automatic actions

Mechanisms, Catapults, Ballistae, Battering rams, Piston engines, Repair, Go to work, Retreat.

Union of Engineers

Alexandra “Damsel of Winter”, President of the trade union, Morgane “The Dark Voice”, Trade unionist, Sebastian Terramor, Trade unionist, Shaé “L Ange Noir”, Trade unionist, Germaine Terramor, Trade unionist, Kël “L Ours Aux Yeux Bleu”, Trade unionist, Richard Slynt, Trade unionist, Agapy Bergman, Trade unionist.

Patronal feasts

Saint Patrick (1742173200) 15, Saint Barbara (1764810000) 10, Saint Eligius (1764550800) 5, Saint Catherine (1764032400) 5, Saint Peter (1751158800) 5 to their happiness and all their skills.