Encyclopedia Units Building workers Roofers


A roofer or roof mechanic is a construction worker who specialises in roof construction. Roofers concentrate on the application of materials that waterproof and/or weatherproof buildings, designed material—as a substrate for the roofing materials to be installed on, the rafters, beams, and trusses are the frame or skeleton for the roof to be built upon. Roofers must be able to work, have good motor skills and possess general carpentry skills.


No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: School / Guild house. You are currently on a bare ground.

×1. Skills: Roofing 5/lvl, Cladding 4/lvl, Carpentry 2/lvl, Sawing 1/lvl.  5%  4 arpent(s).


Ag / Co. Training ground: School / Guild house. Equipment: Ladders 5, optional: Hammers 10, Pliers 10, Saws 10, Work horses 5, Carts 5, Ropes 5. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Guild / Territories (except Regular clergy). Maximum: 25% of the domain's population.

Automatic actions

Repair, Go to work, Retreat.

Union of Roofers

Agapy Bergman, President of the trade union, Angelica Anier, Trade unionist, Zelda Steiner, Trade unionist, Corinne Ar-Feiniel, Trade unionist, Iker Aventura, Trade unionist, Edith Havoc, Trade unionist, Elrikon Ar Gwizieg Augis, Trade unionist, Serapio “Sin Manos”, Trade unionist.

Patronal feasts

Saint Vincent Ferrer (1743814800) 20 to their happiness and all their skills.