Encyclopedia Units Military units Ballista


The ballista, sometimes called bolt thrower, is a missile weapon that launches a large projectile at a distant target. It relies upon different mechanics, using two levers with torsion springs, consisting of several loops of twisted skeins.


Unlocked 9 weeks after the beginning of each new continent.
No domain.
This action takes place on one of the following buildings: Barracks. You are currently on a bare ground.

×1. Skills: Ranged combat 4/lvl, Melee combat 1/lvl.  50%  10 arpent(s).


In / St / Ag. Training ground: Barracks. Equipment: Ballistae 1, Ballista bolts 20, Helmets 10, Short swords 10, Mail shirts 10, optional: Brigandines 10, Leg armours 20, Work horses 4, Ropes 5. This training is possible in the following types of organisations: Urbanity / Low nobility / Medium nobility / High nobility / States / Caliphalate. Maximum: 5% of the domain's population.


Ranged combat (Ballistae, Ballista bolts), 1-8 arpent(s),  20″.

Automatic actions


Patronal feasts

Saint Barbara (1764810000) 10, Saint Sebastian (1737334800) 10 to their happiness and all their skills.